Finish DATA Administration Amenities Stata's data management functions give you full control of all sorts of information. Discover certification results and FDA record conformity for precision details. Version handle ensures record programs will carry on to generate the exact same results no matter when you had written them. All analyses can become produced and recorded for distribution and review. Quick, ACCURATE, AND EASY TO Make use of With both a stage and click on user interface and a effective, intuitive control format, Stata is certainly fast, accurate, and easy to make use of. Stata is certainly a full, integrated statistical software deal that provides everything you require for information analysis, information management, and images. Kemampuan kinerja Státa mencakup manajemen information, analisis statistik, grafik, simulasi, regresi, dan pemograman custom.

Sebagian besar pénggunanya bekerja dalam peneIitian, terutama dibidang ékonomi, sosiologi, ilmu poIitik, biomedis dan epidemioIogi. Stata software státistik dan analisis diciptákan pada tahun 1985 oleh Stata Corporation.